
Friday, November 8, 2013

Decrease Government Spending at All Costs?

I just caught some commentator saying on NPR that there had not been a fiscally conservative congressional leader in congress in years, or something to that effect. After I switched to TV rather than the radio I thought about what he had said and it amazed me. His definition of a fiscal conservative was one that saw that the government spent less money than the year or years before.

That just doesn’t happen whether you have Democrats or Republicans in the White House or in the majority in Congress. In fact, the Republican conservatives generally up the spending more than those they accuse of spending the Democrats.

Or you can look at percentage increases during Presidential administrations.

Let’s see the country gets bigger each year, the population increases each year, the infrastructure needs to repaired each year, the economy increases each year etc. so isn’t it logical that government spending would increase each year as well. It seems clear to me that the government has lagged behind necessary increased governmental spending since Reagan began deregulation and lowered taxes for the rich thus the majority of wealth has been accumulated by a very few people in this country. That’s not good, and stands in the way of government doing its job of taking care of the common good.

Whoever was speaking seems to be a non-reflective ideolog who just wants less government spending regardless of its effects upon the country. Unfortunately too many folk seem to believe this nonsense.

The mandate “To whom much is given much is required,” is largely ignored by today’s public servants who lock up the government while the people suffer. They should do their job which is caring for our citizens.

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