
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Why Are the Republicans So Angry?

It is hard to find any piece of media that does not have a whole bunch of articles about the Republicans being mad about something. Why?

Let’s see, 82% of the temporary Bush cuts that they have wanted since temporarily implemented and now permanent. The size of the government continues to decrease as they want. They have dominated politics for the last 35 years. They hate the Democrats apparently for just being liberal. They say they are in favor of individual rights without government intervention and then try to intervene in reproductive rights, who can marry whom, and continually try to stuff their personal ethics down the necks of everybody else. They created a huge national debt and are good at blaming Obama for it.

They don’t even like each other. The Tea Partiers seem to be against everything including their own party, i.e. Amy Kremer, chr. of the Tea Party Express, “People are many as hell. I’m right there with them.” She said after her GOP partners agreed not to go off the fiscal cliff. Chris Christie is mad at his party “toxic internal politics.” Everyone seems mad at their leader John Boehner. The president has one heck of a job ahead of him but perhaps I pity Boehner more; the chief of the do nothings. I think he secretly would really like to see some things happen.

Of course they are mad their guy Romney didn’t win but he had written off half the population in the midst of his campaign and seems to represent at least 2% of the country. Now, nobody wants to touch him with a ten foot pole and has essentially disappeared. He was even grumpy in his concession speech. They seem wackier than the cast of “It’s a Mad, Mad, World.”

My guess part of the reason for their anger is they don’t know what they are for. Liberals are pretty easy to understand. They are for social programs, caring for the public, they are like the liberal leaders that started the country with a pretty common vision like the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the middle class. Well, that may be overstretching it but that’s their heritage away even if they seem to up to the nearest bidder as well.

One commentator said they just lack clear GOP leader for the party like George W. Bush. I can’t believe I wrote that. What was George’s vision; was it to destroy his own country with bad wars and cronyism? He is a self described “decider”, what did he decide?

What Republicans lack are moderates. They seem to have gone the way of the wooly mammoth. Moderates, you know the folk who work out problems, give and little take a little and work to solve problems. Republicans have pretty well gotten everything they wanted; perhaps now they are frustrated because they don’t know what they what. Mystifying.

On the bright side of the picture I watched Diane Sawyer’s interview with the 20 women now in the Senate. They all appeared to get along pretty well and seem interested in getting things done. Perhaps we should just put them in charge and send the rest of congress off to watch a football game, a boxing match, and play violent video games; maybe that would make them happy.

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