
Monday, June 4, 2012

Big Glup vs. Being Green

George Will, my favorite conservative, attacked N.Y. Mayor Bloomberg for limiting the size of soda drinks linking it to environmental issues of the liberal heavy handedness over private behavior. Bad Bloomberg whose action will likely have the impact of a gnat attack a BP oil rig.

But I could not help myself from thinking, in that light, does the rich have the right to destroy the planet to gain short term profits for themselves?

I fail to understand the conservatives’ apparent aversion to stewardship of the earth; it would seem in would be in character to promote such a cause. But then there is the money part.

Michael Winship writing in Bill Moyer’s blog noted that last week the Associated press reported a ”troubling new milestone.” It seems that carbon dioxide which is a heat trapping gas which leads to global warming has reached 400 parts per million in the Arctic. Scientists believe it has not been at that level in 800,000 years. Or, we are in real trouble mainly because of the burning of fossil fuels: coal and oil.

While this is going on Republicans in the House oppose the military seeking alternative fuels if they are more expensive that fossil fuels. Why is that? For one thing oil and gas interests have donated 88% of the political contributions to Republicans; $18 million apparently buys a good deal of influence.

Now we have all seen those seemingly altruistic advertisements on TV by ExxonMobil, GE, ConocoPhillips, BP and the like bragging about how good they are in seeking good things for the public, but they spend their money supporting anti-climate action lawmakers. The real bonehead law recently was by the North Carolina legislature writing a law that would require sea level estimate to be based on historical data only to avoid the likelihood of the sea rising about a meter by the end of the century.

Frankly I’m quite surprised that someone has not proposed fracking sites along the San Andreas Fault line. Think of the money that could be made when California falls into the ocean and the new coast would be ripe for building. So a few million would have to die, it would be good business for the wealthy wouldn’t it?

Romney gets it as he condemns Obama’s green-energy program using false and twisting facts. See                            It’s about the economy isn’t it?

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