
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

TV’s Eastern Standard Time – A National Bane

We spent the winter in Florida where one of our major daily tasks is watching TV, as we do here in the Midwest. But east coast TV is absolutely, without a doubt, stupid and a major cause of what’s wrong with the nation. Evening programming is an hour later on the east coast versus the more enlightened Midwest. I don’t know what they do on the West coast, maybe they don’t either. So, primetime evening programming runs from 6 to 10 here compared to the eastern 7 to 11 pm on the East coast. And why on earth does everyone mention program times as something eastern and the something central; bigotry I say in one its most heinous forms.

One of the big deals in health today is that folk don’t get enough sleep. Why? It’s the stupid programming on the east coast. This likely leads to obesity as folk eat while watching TV and the later you eat the more fat builds up. It’s evil! It’s decadent! Rise up people and get smart. Demand TV earlier and solve society’s problems.

On the home front that means Doreen and I fall asleep during most of evening TV while on the east coast rather than just the last hour as we do here. And many of our favorite programs are merrily playing while we snore away. This is obviously a serious national problem that needs to be addressed post haste.

Forget the campaigns, this is an issue we must all get behind and right a grievous wrong. Rise up America demand earlier programming and protect you health, sanity, and the American way.

Now to be fair the Midwest has its problems. In our area we have local news 5 pm then national news at 5:30 pm then local news again at 6 pm. What bonehead thought that up? Plus local news often is not local at all they just repeat what was said on the national news. The result, we only get Wheel of Fortune and loose Jeopardy. It causes brain rot. I already feel a little dumber post Jeopardy which is likely witnessed by this article.


  1. We've been on Pacific Time for last three decades. The news is still 5 local, 5:30 Nat'l
    and local again at 6. NFL football/NCAA Tournament, etc begin at 10AM. In business, we
    could call the east coast at 6AM PST and all their offices were open: conversely they were all closed down by 1-2PM!

  2. I dunno, does anybody really watch news on TV anymore? TV's for watching Netflix now. Internet & newspapers are for news. :-)
