
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Karl Rove and Catsup

I believe once before I wrote a bit on catsup. It was about an ad about Heinz Catsup which I could never get out of the bottle without a small stick a explosive, so they advertized it as good and thick. Or, they advertised their weakness as a strength.

What has that to do with Karl Rove? Well, his latest attack ad on Elizabeth Warren ( one of the few bright lights on the political scene) in which he doesn’t just take a weakness and make it a virtue. He just flat out lies, which seems to have become perfectly acceptable to politicians today.

In the ad he blames Warren for TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) and for bank bailouts. Here are the lies: 1. TARP was a Republican program implemented by G.W. Bush; 2. Warren became the chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel to bring such programs under control. 3. Warren has been an advocate of getting rid of “too big to fail” institutions by breaking them up. 4. Charged with being anti financial, she was charged with setting up the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, working with financial institutions. 5. Charged with siding with big banks instead of the middle class is bizarre. Big banks have been after her for a long time.

I know she and Rove are fighting in Massachusetts, but she is such a bright light I like to follow what she is doing.

Here in Wisconsin we have our Gov. in his Kock Brothers backed ads having teachers talk about how they kept the jobs and things are just fine in getting more money in the classroom. I wonder what the 3,368 teachers who lost their jobs at his cutbacks think about that. Of course, this was done under the guise of balancing the budget deficit which he created by giving tax break to the wealthy.

If the rest of us make such statements in public we would be sued for slander and libel. Ah politics.

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