
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Matching Religion and Politics

It is my guess that all those candidates running for office in this country are mainly Christian with a smattering of Muslims. How do they justify all the meanassed things they say about each other in light of the their religious teachings that they have all been given gifts to be used for the common good and that we are to love each other as God has loved us? Where is the spirit of unity we espouse to in our belief systems.

When politicians cease being functional atheists, they may return to being statesmen and public servants rather than power seeking demigods.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately God has been largely reduced to being a tool of rhetoric in politics. When religion is invoked at all it is too often merely a tool for the political convenience of establishing a position which cannot be questioned. It usually betrays an understanding of religion that begins and ends with a few verses from Leviticus. Central messages of Christianity such as tolerance and forgiveness are almost NEVER brought up. You'll hear politicians invoke a few cherry-picked verses aimed at specific issues or groups, but you'll never hear them reference something as positive as the Sermon on the Mount.
