
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tax Day

I writing this on April 15th, or last chance to pay your taxes day; unless you file for an extension or if you are very rich and have super lawyers and lobbyists so you don’t have to pay tax day.

I want to pay more taxes. There, I’ve said it. I want to pay more taxes and I people who make what we do or more to pay more taxes. I want progressive taxes so the more you have the more your pay; that is a fair tax plan. I don’t want folk who make less that I do to pay any taxes that was the original tax plan in this country.

In fact, I want to pay 40 to 50% of our income in taxes. And I want that graduated so that the upper 1 percent are paying 90% of their income in taxes. (It used to be that way you know and the rich still got richer.)

With that said, I want benefits for those taxes. I want free healthcare for everyone in the country (free meaning we’ve already paid for it in our taxes.) I want free education for everyone to go as far as they want in education; that will make our country stronger and more competitive. I want free internet and utilities and get all those greedy… I want good highways, good rail system, and plane service with set prices. I want all politicians to run for office with a set amount given by the government with no outside money coming in for vested interests so they can do what is best for the common good rather than those who line their pockets the most. I want an adequate living allotment upon retirement. I want lots of government research in alternative energy systems so the world doesn’t collapse in the next few years. I want free childcare for couples and significant parental leave when a couple has a child. I want folk who can’t find employment guaranteed a living wage and incentives and education to they can find meaningful work. I also want them to work on government projects while they are unemployed. I probably want more things than I can think of right now.

You know there are countries that do exactly that and they don’t sit around on April 15th or whatever their tax day is complaining but are happy because they realize they have all these benefits that give them a sense of security. They are freed up to think about what they want to do with their lives that will give the meaning and purpose. I want them confident that their government will look out for their welfare because that is their job and it is an important one.

With that said, I do not believe there is anything wrong with a market system but it should be a highly regulated one. But most developed countries realized that absolutely free markets just don’t work because they get abused. Just look at history in this country when the Rockefellers and the Carnegie’s and other robber barons were seized control of the free enterprise system creating monopolies that drove out small businesses and raked off huge profits. Today Walmart, Oil companies, Wall Street, replaces them, etc. with the same outcome; a class system where a few lived well and the majority worked hard but couldn’t get ahead. Let me and they pay more taxes and have a more equitable system. We need to get serious about anti-trust legislature again.

P.S. I also want to re-establish the draft system with no exceptions. Everyone should serve their country for 2 years in some fashion whether it is as a soldier or another form of service.

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