
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Can You Tell the Difference Between Real and False Fox News Poll Questions?

2) “In the aftermath of the attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Libya, the Obama administration falsely claimed it was a spontaneous assault in response to an offensive online video, even though the administration had intelligence reports that the attacks were connected to terrorist groups tied to al Qaeda… “Which of the following do you think best describes why Obama administration officials gave false information?”

3) “Do you believe the Obama administration should stop raping and pillaging the FOX news department?”

4) “The Internal Revenue Service admitted it targeted Tea Party and conservative groups for extra scrutiny. How concerned are you that the government’s surveillance program designed to track terrorists using phone and Internet records will be used in the same way to target specific groups and individuals that may disagree with an administration’s policies?”

5) “Do you believe Bill Moyers should stop picking on Rush Limbaugh for his clear concise reporting, rational reporting, and gross obesity?”

6) “Do you think the United Nations should be in charge of the worldwide effort to combat climate change and the United States should report to the United Nations on this effort, or should it be up to individual countries and the United States would be allowed to make decisions on its own?”

7) “Former President George W. Bush stopped golfing after the start of the Iraq war. Do you think President Barack Obama should stop golfing until the unemployment rate improves and the economy is doing better?”

8) “Do you believe the Bill O’Reilly looks much better in pants suits than Hillary Clinton?”

9) “Do you believe that Obama has converted to Roman Catholicism in that he has not labeled Pope Francis a Marxist communist?”

10) “Did Arnold Schwarzenegger call his illegitimate child a ‘girly girl’ in a bid to get back into the affections of his ex-wife Maria Schriver?”

11) Democrats (41 percent) are much more likely than independents (29 percent) and Republicans (22 percent) to say they plan to “watch or listen to the speech carefully.”

12) “In the interest of clarity and openness should we change the Pledge of Allegiance to: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the of United States of America, and to the Republicans for which it stands, one Nation, under the Christian God, divisible with liberty and justice for the upper one per cent”?

13) Do you agree with Rush Limbaugh that anyone who believes in God ‘cannot believe in man-made global warming’. ‘They’re [liberals] perpetrating a hoax, …They are relying on the total dominance of the media to lie to each and every day about climate change and global warming.’?

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