
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Are There Really Any Questions about this Election?

I know the polls keep saying that the vote is close between Obama and Romney, but really? Others say that Romney is the most disliked candidate in history and is totally out of touch with the public.

Then there is the question of which Romney you are interested in: the Governor, the Olympic saver, the Bain executive, the initiator of government sponsored health care (or the opponent of government sponsored health care), the presidential candidate Romney who reminds me of the governor from the “Greatest Little Whore House in Texas” who loved to do a little sidestep… a couple of them seem fairly likeable, and others seem downright villains.

But then let’s take a look at his positions? Then the question becomes what on earth is his position aside from some ideological platitudes backed up by absolutely no specific details. Of course, you can find some economic details in his running mate, Ryan, which ought to send any sane economists running for the hills. But I think I can summarize them. Let’s see, there is the Austrian School of Economics which is rightly never heard of by most but is where the supply side economic folk stem, a.k.a. voodoo economics and trickle down economics. They did not work under Reagan, they did not work under Bush, and they just don’t work and have caused our current economic dilemmas, which we don’t seem to be able to remember. Their proponets even ignore their own ideas as they dump tons of money into defense, stupid wars, and other pet projects which created massive national debt. [Check with Elizabeth Warren for details.]

There is some good news. Martin Sullivan of reports that many of the GOP are likely to retreat on tax issues if Obama wins. Or simply put, they will be willing to sit down and talk about compromises and issues they way things used to work before all the extreme right wing intolerants got to Washington. In other words yet, they see that raising taxes on the super duper wealthy is not a bad idea after all. Besides, if they ever check with their constituents they would find that practically all of them support this type of economic sanity.

Bargaining at the table again sounds like a very good idea.

Now what is the upside if Romney gets elected? Hmmm, that seems reminiscent of my article, Mitt Romney’s Tax Plan as Revealed on Meet the Press. Oh, it wasn’t revealed, thus no article. But one can conjecture. The rich, the really rich will get more tax breaks and get even richer than they were when the crash of ’29 took place; more services will be cut from the national budget which will cost us more money because we don’t have a plan to deal with them aside from letting the die in the streets, the middle class will continue to decrease, we will have more working poor and poverty stricken folk, unions may become totally outlawed furthering the destruction of the middle class (but the duped self-righteous on these ideas will be able to continue to condemn folk as being more worthless than themselves), and we will have developed the world’s leading Oligarchy before we collapse. Perhaps the Supreme Court will declare that the only real people are corporations and the only ones entitled to a vote and we won’t have to worry about civic responsibilities and debate.

Ah well, my goodly wife and I just spend a delightful time in Alaska, a place of pristine beauty and total awesomeness. Me thinks it would be good for a lot of candidates and political pundits to just go with there and get a perspective on how small critters we are and gain a bit of humility. But then we also saw the dwindling glaciers which the anti-environmentalists continue to ignore. As one of the elite said at our dining table one evening, “The onboard speakers on environmental issues are only saying what they say because they are paid to do it. Besides, some glaciers are growing.” I replied, “Yes, 5% of them. Did I overstep myself?

Anyway, it is good to be back in the lower 48 and blogging away again.


  1. "a.k.a. voodoo economics and trickle down economics. They did not work under Reagan, they did not work under Bush"

    It worked well, at job growth, economic growth, and increasing revenue to the government. We now have the left-wing alternative: the trickle is cut off, so nothing flows down.

    " more services will be cut from the national budget...letting the die in the streets"

    Where do you get this from? Paul Ryan proposes increasing the funding to such services.

  2. In New Zealand, Labour Party MP Damien O'Connor has, in the Labour Party campaign launch video for the 2011 general election, called trickle-down economics "the rich pissing on the poor".
