
Saturday, January 7, 2012

To Apologize or Not to Apologize

I was struck by the current Mitt Romney political ad; you’ve probably heard it. At the end of the ad after he talks about his wonderfulness, he says, “I will never apologize for the United States of America.” It strung an odd note in my head so I listened several times to make sure that is what he said.

Now I think I know what he is implying, it might be used as a future point to combat President Obama apologies he has made to Japan and Muslims at times. Some view this is a sign of weakness. For me, it is a sign of civility.

What if you went up to a person who you, or members of your family had obviously wronged at some point or another and said, “I will never apologize to you for anything ever!” If your nose gets in the way of my fist, it’s your fault and I won’t apologize. If I cut into line ahead of you or sneak into a parking space ahead of you, tough cookies; I won’t apologize. If I walk into your home uninvited and wreck the place it’s your fault for not have good enough security. If I can screw you in a business deal it’s your problems because you’re stupid and should have known better.

There is something decidedly wrong with that type of egotistical callous thinking. A yet in politics some see it as a strength. I don’t. I would hope that others would not as well. It’s just bad manners, but then that seems to be the norm in political discourse. We hate it, but we also applaud it.

Next, there is Newt Gingrich proudly pronouncing he is a “Reagan Conservative.” What I hear in that statement is I am proud of the politics and economic processes that have gotten us into the mess we are now it. So, let’s continue those processes to solve the problem. Lunacy.

I really hate writing these negative statements but it is hard not to. What is clear to me whether it is on a personal level or a family or a national level, if you make a mistake or if you have done harm to others, the right thing to do is to apologize for it. Otherwise you’re just a jerk.

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