
Friday, March 11, 2011

Guests and Golf

It’s been awhile since I’ve blogged..We’ve had lots of wonderful company so the mind has been elsewhere. Our buddy Marj Kammueler was down for about a week  Loel and Carol Gorden were with  us a few days and we connected along the line with Jerry and Mary Lowery. Then granddaughter Megan and her paramour Bob came for a few days. Tomorrow we will be getting together with Don and EB Frey for lunch, then it is just us for the rest of the time here unless Megan and or Bob pop up somewhere. What a delightful time.

Megan’s beau Bob works for TV sports on golf shows all over the country (some job eh) so they took a few days down here before he goes to work in Orlando for a tourney there. While here I got to golf with Bob, well all of us golfed, but I remember most golfing with Bob.  After a good deal of speculation I’ve got it figured out now that Bob uses special golf balls with afterburners built into them. He gives the ball a mighty whack and away it goes into the air, then, magically the afterburner kicks in and the ball soars heavenward with incredible vigor. It is a wonder to behold. He’s also very easy going and fun to play along and appears 
very tolerant of those of us with lesser skills and play with afterburnerless golf balls.

My golf career included a tourney here before and during their time with us. 176 men entered this tournament from the community. We are in various classes of golfers: A, B, C, D, E, F. The E class is very competitive, that’s the one I’m in. We mainly make jokes about each other’s golfing prowess, or lack thereof, hook our golf clubs to yank on each other’s crutches or walkers, mouth words making our cohorts adjust their hearing aids then blow an air horn; fun stuff like that. Actually, they are all quite jovial and fun to play with. We will be having a luncheon next Wednesday where the prizes will be handed out. I am expecting zilch. Almost everyone in my flight is less than a hundred years of age; I think there might even be one younger than me.

Speaking of golf, as though I speak of little else, I unveiled my new golf weapon on the last day of the tournament. Golf aficionados know that many of the new drivers on the market have broken tradition and are white. Now not wanting to pay the price for one of these new drivers, I went to WalMart and bought a can of spray on Krylon white paint and painted my old Vulcan driver white. It looks pretty good if I do say so myself. One of my golfing buddies asked it if it helped and I told him it gave me a good 50 yards more, whereupon he replied, “Reverend, you’re full of shit!” I assume he was referring to my golf winnings here which are given out in chits; he must have misspoken. I do have 10 chits left and I’ll keep them and come back next year and win more I should be able to buy of lot stuff with my chits.

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